Author: tdclub

  • Can You Really Pocket An Easy $1,245 Per Month With NO Website, No List, No Social Media, No Paid Advertising, No Local Marketing, No Amazon, No Affiliate Marketing, And No Product Creation?

    Hey guys,

    David Shelton here.

    Today I want to introduce you to a radically simple new system that’s just been released called Easy E Cash.

    These are the exact secrets that can earn you hundreds and even thousands of extra dollars per month – in your spare time… and you can legally copy them to create a fast, steady, predictable income you can rely on.

    Internet gurus want you believe that, in order to make money online, you need to master complicated product launch formulas… or that you need to bombard social media sites with spammy “bots”… or that you need to harass local businesses with cold calls and emails … or that you need to build giant Amazon affiliate sites that takes months before you see a tiny profit

    Nope. All you need to apply this simple “newbie” friendly secret to making money online, is a computer, laptop, or smartphone. That’s it. You don’t need complicated formulas or confusing software or anything like that.

    And you could be in Ohio, California, Florida, or Maine. You could be at your home office, lounging on the beach, or hanging out at your local artisan coffee house.

    Best of all, this simple system can create a stable, predictable income you can rely on…

    All you have to do is repeat the EXACT same simple steps each time. This is how you can make extra money from home to pay bills, buy clothes, pay for cars, pay your mortgage, save for college, take vacations, buy Playstation games, etc… 

    • You don’t need a big budget (you can get started for FREE if you want).
    • You don’t have to fight for rankings on Google.
    • You don’t have to spend hours creating content for a blog.
    • You don’t have to waste thousands of dollars on paid aids.
    • You don’t have to cold-call or email spam local businesses (in fact, you don’t have to speak to another human being at all… which is great for us introverts!)
    • You don’t have to create your own products.

    All you need to do is type a few sentences. And you don’t even have to be that good at it! You just have to get it going… and it’s not hard at all!

    Okay, so…

    What Exactly Is Easy E Cash?

     It’s a very simple eBay system that will show you how to make $1,245 per month in your spare time with no website, no list, no social media, no paid advertising, no local marketing, no amazon, and no product creation.

    Will Allen created the system and he uses it to sell “junk” from his own home or stuff he finds at yard sales, second-hand stores, Craigslist, Facebook, and more…

    Most people think eBay is dead and not worth trying. But I think that’s wrong.

    People spend millions and millions of dollars on eBay each month. So why not grab a share of all that money.

    And, the best part is, you can get started for free. So you don’t have to spend a DIME to get started. 

    Will shows you a fun way to get started selling things for free so you don’t have to worry about any upfront expenses. 

    Also, because this system is contained within eBay, there’s none of the usual stuff you’re used to seeing…

    • NO SEO
    • NO Facebook marketing
    • NO Affiliate marketing
    • NO List building
    • NO Blogging
    • NO Content marketing
    • NO Offline marketing

    So it’s faster because you don’t have to deal with any content creation or waiting for Google to improve your rankings.

    It’s also VERY easy. ANYONE can make this work no matter your skill level or previous experience

    Plus, it comes with a full 100% money-back guarantee. So if you don’t like the system you can get your money back.

    That means you have zero risk. And you can technically use everything free, if you want to.

    PLUS… if you get Easy E Cash through the link on my page today, I’ll give you the following Exclusive VIP Bonuses, absolutely FREE!

    These Exclusive VIP Bonuses, will dramatically increase your ability to make more money than you ever thought possible online. Most of these bonuses are NOT available for sale anywhere else – the ONLY way you can get them is if you invest in the powerful, money-making Easy E Cash system through one of the links on my page today.  But hurry, these bonuses are only going to be available for a limited time.

    Also, just for you, I’ve found a site that features a discounted rate for Easy E Cash. So you can pay less than everyone else.

    You can access the discount page by clicking the link below.

    Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you soon.

    David Shelton

  • How To Earn $4000+ A Month For Clicking Ads

    One of the easiest ways to make money online is from clicking ads. You open a free account that offers paid ad clicks, go to the paid ads page and you click a link. You allow the timer to complete and usually you have to verify the click by choosing an image. You then get paid for that click. You do that over and over again.

    There is nothing complicated involved…..

    The main problem with earning this way is the fact that it usually pays very little. It may take you several hours of doing ad clicks to earn just $1 for example. Because of the low pay associated with this type of earning a lot of people do not believe it is worth the time or effort.

    However, there is a very simple way to earn $4000+ per month……

    When combined with the simple ad click system this becomes a perfect way to build income levels for those who struggle with other methods.

    By following this simple system you can easily reach the goal of $4000 a month.

    Here are the steps to follow:

    Step 1 = Click Here To Join Ads By UAP

    As you can see below I have already been paid over $1650 from this account:

    Step 2 = Upgrade Your Account

    If you do not upgrade you will only earn about $0.10 a day from the ad clicks. As soon as you are upgraded you will earn $2 per day instead.

    The cost to upgrade is $50 (or check out my $10 hack in this blog post).

    You will earn a minimum of $60 per month as an upgraded member so you only need to pay this ONCE out of pocket. You are GUARANTEED to make a profit every month as long as you click the ads daily.

    Click Here To Upgrade

    Step 3 = Click Ads

    Log in and click on the EARN MONEY tab, then choose VIEW ADVERTISEMENTS in the drop down menu:

    At the top of the page is a red banner – you MUST click this first to unlock the paid ads:

    When the ads are unlocked you can click each ad and a new page will open with the timer at the top:

    When the timer completes you need to click on the upside down image to verify your ad click and get paid:

    When you see the green tick and “Thanks For Watching” notification you will have been paid:

    You will now have been paid for your ad click…..

    As an upgraded member you earn $0.04 per ad click:

    You can click a maximum of 60 ads per day as an upgraded member. This is how you earn at least $2 a day.

    Earning $4000+ Per Month

    To earn $4000+ per month you will need to work on getting referrals who also upgrade. To help you with this I have created an ad campaign that you can use (see below). I also have a Facebook Group where I can help with allocating a few referrals too.

    Let me explain the calculations first so you know how it works:

    You earn 50% commission on clicks by your referrals. That means for EACH upgraded referral you have who clicks on all ads daily, you will earn an extra $1 per day or $30 a month.

    You ALSO earn a $10 monthly commission on the upgrade cost of your referrals.

    This means with just a single upgraded referral you earn $100 per month ($60 from your own ad clicks + $40 from EACH upgraded referral).

    With just 10 upgraded referrals you will earn $460 per month.

    With 100 upgraded referrals you will earn $4060 per month.

    This kind of income is practically unheard of with most ad click sites. That makes working on Ads By UAP most definitely worth the time and effort in my book. Of course you won’t earn this amount overnight, but earnings here are EXCELLENT as long as you upgrade!

    In fact you ALSO earn on a 7 level downline system with this site. Here are the commission figures for the 7 levels:

    This 7 level system means that you can continue to build income levels when your referrals also work on promoting as well.

    To make this as easy as possible for our whole team to promote I have created this page:

    You will need to have an account with Leadsleap to use this page.

    Click Here To Join Leadsleap

    Use this code to import the page into Leadsleap PAGE MANAGER SECTION: page-akPfZZNGkCV

    Make sure you connect the page to an email list and add a welcome email. You do that in the LIST MANAGER SECTION.

    Keep the welcome email short and direct. This is what I use:

    Thank you for requesting info on my $4000 per month system. You will need to join Ads By UAP for this system, my referral link is:

    After you register you can read this blog post for instructions on setting up your own $4000 per month system:

    Best Wishes

    David Shelton

    Please ask for assistance below or in the Facebook group if you need any help with using this system.

    Do You Want To Earn and Learn More with Me?

    NameJoin My List of Successful Students Now!

    Enter your Name and Email Below and I will Send You all my Secrets for Success Online. 

    Ads by UAP


    2 responses to “How To Earn $4000+ A Month For Clicking Ads”

    1. How To Earn $4000+ A Month For Clicking Ads – Knight’s Affiliate Marketing BlogFebruary 5, 2025[…] After you register you can read this blog post for instructions on setting up your own $4000 per month system: […]Reply
    2. How To Earn $4000 or more A Month For Clicking Ads.. – How to make Money OnlineFebruary 5, 2025[…] After you register you can read this blog post for instructions on setting up your own $4000 per month system: […]Reply
  • The Big Reveal.

    Day 9

    Now feels like a good time to introduce Frank Bauer. One of the most well regarded Marketers in the business and joint owner of the traffic exchange website: Infinity Traffic Boost.

    Anyone who has ever tried to make money online, will have come across Frank Bauer and his business partner, Clinton Clark.

    Together they own:

    Infinity Traffic boost.

    Viral URL

    Traffic Zipper

    Infinity Mailer 

    Mailer Gold

    And many others.

    As internet marketers it’s good to have your fingers in lots of pies but this guy owns the bakery, so he knows what works and what doesn’t.

    And when Frank says you can earn $64,000 in 73 days, you have to at least consider it a possibility. 

    Am I right?

    Yes, you read that correctly.

    $64,000.00 in 73 days! With zero money out of pocket.

    I’ll just let that sink in for a while…

    Until the next update!

    All the best

    David Shelton

  • Affiliate Marketing Done For You.

    If you have ever tried to make sales as an affiliate, you will no doubt understand already that it is something that sounds easy, but is not. The majority of people who try affiliate marketing just never make a sale, or maybe just make the odd few sales here and there. The time and effort involved in making those few sales makes it difficult to scale up, and it is often hard to replicate too.

    My own experience with affiliate marketing was initially very frustrating, and certainly did not make me any money. So when I saw an advert that said “Affiliate Marketing Done For You”, it raised my curiosity. No doubt you were curious too when you saw it, and just like me you wondered what was involved.

    Like you have just done, I requested more information, and I read about a system that has been set up by a professional marketer with the sole aim of making affiliate marketing a lot easier for everyone. The aim of it is to provide a very simple and replicable process that removes all the main barriers to success. It even teaches you how to get affiliate sales on complete autopilot.

    Does it actually work? That is the question most people have.

    I have been testing it out for a while now, and as you are actually reading this blog post….. well it is obviously working in gaining the attention of people interested in hearing more about a done for you affiliate marketing system.

    So far so good.

    Does it actually help with getting sales though?

    To answer that question, I will be sharing my own results in this blog. I will talk about the process involved as well, let you know how easy or difficult it was, and I will explain the exact steps I took.

    What I will say right now is I have never seen anything quite like this system before, and I am looking forward to telling you more about it.

    In my next blog post I will explain how I got started, and will talk more about why this system appealed to me.

    I will send you an email when that blog post is published. I will send it to the email address you entered in my Affiliate Marketing Done For You marketing page. Should you wish to add another email address to my mailing list so you do not miss my updates you can add another address here.

    Best Wishes,

    David Shelton.

    Here come the disclaimers.

    This is not a get rich quick program and I don’t believe in overnight success. I believe in hard work, integrity and developing the skills you need to earn money online. As stipulated by law, I cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with any of the products or services featured. The average person who tries to make money online gets little to no results. Any references or examples used within this course are strictly for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited by your imagination. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER.

  • The Easiest Way To Make Money Online… Or not?

    It’s a little too early to tell right now so I press on regardless.

    Day 3

    72 hours in and the daily task is now taking me 50 minutes, which seems fair enough when you consider the size of the prize on offer (apparently) if I make it to the end.

    More updates to come soon.

    Until next time.

    All the best

    David Shelton

  • The Easiest Way To Make Money Online… Ever?

    Day 1

    Thank you for joining me on my quest. Look out for the updates and more details to follow…

    Until next time,

    David Shelton

  • Triple Dub Club: 182.50 Per Click ‘Done For You’ System (No Cost Today)

    Triple Dub Club: 182.50 Per Click ‘Done For You’ System (No Cost Today)

    RE: Triple Dub Club… No cost (today) ‘Done For You’ System which currently makes up to $182.50 Per Click

    Is it suitable for you?

    Ever wished you could make some extra money quickly from the internet…

    …Without learning new skills, without having to wait for results, and without cost?

    If you have, then the solution outlined in this short document will help, and you can start using it within the next 30 to 60 minutes.

    13,306.08 Made & Paid Out In 30 Days

    View Full Instructions – Click Here

    Let me introduce you to your new Triple Dub Club account…

    Triple Dub Club is our brand new ‘ready made’ (Done For You) system.

    Created for anyone who wants to make some extra money from the internet (Including complete beginners) in as little as 30 minutes from scratch without creating anything, without learning new skills, and without cost.

    It’s ready made, it costs nothing to use & you won’t have to pay for it either.

    For the first time ever, we’re giving away our complete ‘Triple Dub Club System’ without charging for it, on a first come first served basis.

    Your account access looks like this:

    Triple Dub Club access area

    What You Get Instant Access to:
    Your Triple Dub Club account includes our ready made system which you can start using in minutes (regardless of experience).

    We show you actual proof this system works, we give you the special link, and we give you full instructions so you can start right away.

    How does it work?

    • Step 1: Log in and use the code we give you to access the special link we use. *1 click on the link pays up to 182.50

    • Step 2: Add the link to the Triple Dub Club Done For You System.

    • Step 3: Then add your Triple Dub Club link to one of the free platforms we show you.

    As soon as your Triple Dub Club link is placed on one of the free platforms we share with you, it will start working.

    …And again it costs nothing to use (not even for traffic). The only skills you will need are the ability to copy, paste.

    That’s it…
    Nothing to create, and no work to do… apart from copying and pasting a couple of times.

    Could you do that?

    So how does Triple Dub Club make money?

    Triple Dub Club users make money when someone clicks the code we give them.

    The income from our Done For You System (the one we’ll give you today), ranges from $8.50 to $182.50, $182.50 being the maximum per click.

    Would you like instant access to Triple Dub Club now
    (without paying for it)?

    Yes? Then click the link below for Instant Access instructions
    Click Here Now – Get Started Today
    We will NOT charge you a single cent for Triple Dub Club today.

    When you get access to Triple Dub Club today you won’t pay anything for it, it’s yours to keep and use for as long as you wish, and we’ll never, ever charge you anything for it.

    Click the link above to get started…

  • Done For You Affiliate Blogging – Start Promoting Your Capture Page

    Ok, it is time now to start promoting your capture page if you have completed all the previous steps outlined in these blog posts:

    WordPress Blog Set Up with Global Domains International

    Done For You Affiliate Marketing First Blog Post

    Done For You Affiliate Marketing Lead Capture Page

    Done For You Affiliate Marketing – Welcome Email

    Promoting your capture page will get you email subscribers to share your blog posts with.

    The first thing I suggest you do is add your own email address into your capture page subscriber form. Ths will let you see your system from the perspective of others, but will also allow you to test that it is fully set up and working as it should be.

    If it works properly then you should see a notification telling you to check your email address for a verification email. You should also receive a copy of the welcome email. In addition you should be redirected to your first blog post. If all of that happens you can then start promoting your lead capture page.

    How To Start Promoting Your Lead Capture Page

    There are lots of different ways you can promote your lead capture page, and I will of course teach you about each of them. For now I recommend you add it to the advertising section of Leadsleap.

    To do this click on either the Post Credit Ads (free option) or Post Pro Ads if you have upgraded on Leadsleap. Upgraded members ads will run on complete autopilot, while free member ads require you to surf for ad credits. Both work well, the free method is just more time consuming.

    Adding the advert is the same regardless of the account level. You will see an Add A New Ad button at the top of the page along with a form to fill in about your ad.

    The URL box is for the address of your lead capture page. You will find the link on your Page Manager section of Leadsleap. Simply fill in the form to create your ad and click SAVE & SUBMIT button at the bottom. You can search on google for an image to ad that is related to affiliate marketing.

    Here is a copy of my ad on Leadsleap:

    After adding your ad to Leadsleap, you need to surf pages to get ad credits if you have a free account. Doing this will also earn you a little cash from the daily bonus.

    To surf pages you just need to click on any advert that you see on the side of any Leadsleap page. This will open the ad viewer page. The advert you have clicked on will show in the main part of the screen, while the toolbar is over to the left side.

    When you have viewed 1 ad you will see a notification that you have started surfing at the bottom of the toolbar. Note that on Leadsleap you will earn more ad credits by viewing the ad for longer, scrolling up and down the ad page, and clicking on buttons etc. This makes Leadsleap a very good site for advertising as people actually pay attention to the adverts. If you view at least 10 ads you will qualify for the daily cash bonus and funds will be added to your account the next day.

    When ready to view a different ad simply click on the Show More Links Button and choose another ad to click on. The number of ads you click, along with credits earned will show on the bottom of the tool bar.

    If you are an upgraded member of Leadsleap you do not have to surf pages to get ad credits. The ads will run for you 24/7.

    Note if you upgrade within the first few days of joining Leadsleap you will get a discounted membership fee. You will also get a total of 20 ad spaces (10 pro and10 credit ads). As the discounted membership fee is $19.95 per month instead of $27, this means you can run each advert for $1 per month. That is a very good deal in my opinion – I always get great results from my ads on Leadsleap and the price is much cheaper than other sites that get less results.

    In addition you will get access to many more benefits when you have upgraded which I will explain more about later.

    Now you have added your advert to Leadsleap, you just need to get views which will turn into email subscribers. Keep your ad running on Leadsleap and that will automate the list building part of affiliate marketing for you. If you are a free member that will require you to surf ads every day to get ad credits, Pro members can set up ads and just let them run.

    In later blog posts I will tell you about other sites you can use for promoting your lead capture page. The more sites you use the more followers you will get, and the more sales you will make.

    So you do not miss any of my blog posts, just add your details to the form below if you haven’t already joined my email list:

    To your success!






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  • Done For You Affiliate Marketing Lead Capture Page

    After publishing your first blog post as directed in Done For You Affiliate Marketing First Blog Post it is time for you to set up a lead capture page. Think about this like an advert which is designed to grab the attention of people interested in affiliate marketing. It will also provide you with a list of people to share your blog posts with as we progress.

    To set up this lead capture page you will need an account with Leadsleap.

    Click here to join Leadsleap for Free

    Importing The Lead Capture Page

    I have already created a lead capture page for you to use, and you just need to import it into your Leadsleap account. To do this follow the instructions below:

    Inside Leadsleap you need to click first on the PAGE MANAGER section of the main menu. Then click on ADD NEW and give it a name. I suggest you use the name “Affiliate System That Works”.

    The FIRST page you will be importing looks like the image below. You will be importing more as you progress through this system so it is a good idea to name the pages as something that helps you know which one is which.

    After creating the new page name, you then click on Add A New Page Design (or the + in the icon menu). This will ask if you want a blank page or to import one with a code. Use the code: page-abNtNGWVNV and click on import now.

    Note that you will see an error message when you do this. It is because you do not have an email list yet. We will sort that out next.

    Adding An Email List

    This time you need to click on LIST MANAGER in the Leadsleap menu. You click on add new and add a name for your list. This time I suggest you use the name “Affiliate Marketing Success System”.

    After creating the list you will have to activate it, and this requires filling in a form with your own details. You will also have to send a code to your email address to confirm you have access to it.

    The form looks like this:

    When you have completed the form you can activate the list.

    Connect Capture Page and Email List

    Before you start promoting the lead capture page you must make sure that the page is connected to your email list. If not then the page will not collect email addresses for you.

    To do this click on Page Manager again and then click on LAUNCH EDITOR button.

    In this section you will see an extra menu to the side – the second item on that menu is LIST. Click on this and you will see the following page:

    On this page click on the Get List ID button and choose your email list from the drop down menu.

    In the redirect box you should add a link to your first blog post. Click the boxes for open in new window and verification notice as shown above.

    Remember to click on the green save button at the top right of the screen to complete the connection.

    Your lead capture page is now ready to start promoting. However you have not added any emails into the automated system yet. In my next blog post I will provide you with a welcome email to add into the system. This will start to build your relationship with your email subscribers.

    Best Wishes


  • Done For You Affiliate Marketing First Blog Post

    Below is the first blog post that you should add to your new wordpress blog. Click Here if you have not joined GDI yet and set up your blog ready to get started.

    To add a copy of the post you should log in to your wordpress dashboard and you will see this image:

    To add a new post to your account you can click on the top menu button that says +New or you can use the side menu and click on posts, then Add New. Both of these options will open a new blog post form where you will copy and paste the text from below. Use the title Affiliate Marketing Done For You. After copying the text from below you can publish your new blog post, but do not start promoting it yet. You will be promoting a lead capture page to help build your email list. I will guide you on setting that up in my next blog post.

    At the bottom of the copy and paste blog post you should add a link back to your capture page so people can add a different email address. I recommend making the words “add another address here” into a clickable link. To do that simply highlight the text and then click the Link Icon in the toolbar. Enter the link in the box and save it.


    If you have ever tried to make sales as an affiliate, you will no doubt understand already that it is something that sounds easy, but is not. The majority of people who try affiliate marketing just never make a sale, or maybe just make the odd few sales here and there. The time and effort involved in making those few sales makes it difficult to scale up, and it is often hard to replicate too.

    My own experience with affiliate marketing was initially very frustrating, and certainly did not make me any money. So when I saw an advert that said “Affiliate Marketing Done For You”, it raised my curiosity. No doubt you were curious too when you saw it, and just like me you wondered what was involved.

    Like you have just done, I requested more information, and I read about a system that has been set up by a professional marketer with the sole aim of making affiliate marketing a lot easier for everyone. The aim of it is to provide a very simple and replicable process that removes all the main barriers to success. It even teaches you how to get affiliate sales on complete autopilot.

    Does it actually work? That is the question most people have.

    I have been testing it out for a while now, and as you are actually reading this blog post….. well it is obviously working in gaining the attention of people interested in hearing more about a done for you affiliate marketing system.

    So far so good.

    Does it actually help with getting sales though?

    To answer that question, I will be sharing my own results in this blog. I will talk about the process involved as well, let you know how easy or difficult it was, and I will explain the exact steps I took.

    What I will say right now is I have never seen anything quite like this system before, and I am looking forward to telling you more about it.

    In my next blog post I will explain how I got started, and will talk more about why this system appealed to me.

    I will send you an email when that blog post is published. I will send it to the email address you entered in my Affiliate Marketing Done For You marketing page. Should you wish to add another email address to my mailing list so you do not miss my updates you can add another address here.

    Best Wishes

    (Add Your Name)